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Mariel Diez

For all your writing needs

I am a journalist and freelance copywriter with over 20 years of writing experience. My articles have been published on websites, magazines and newspapers.

My Expertise

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Personality Profiles

In-depth interviews ​with celebrities and ​unique people

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Copywriting for Marketing purposes, increasing traffic or as an interesting read. SEO- SEM - UX

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Lifestyle Pieces

Reviews of recent ​movies, TV shows, books, ​travel and festivals.

My Writing Samples

Interview with film director Tim Burtonfor the launch of his film "Dark Shadows". Published in Miradas Magazine (ES). You can find more samples on my LinkedIn Profile

One of many Finance Insights for Compare Wealth Managers. For more articles you can go to CWM's Knowledge Center (EN)

Artikel für das Fritz + Franzi ElternMagazine von der Stiftung Eltern Sein, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stiftung Kinderdorf Pestalozzi (DE)

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Let's Work Together

Mailing Address

Strahlholz 10, 9056 Gais


Email Address

Phone Number

+4​1 76 229 44 65
